This is an experiment on myself. I want to speak and release my personal tension. I don't like speaking to people because my belief that no one really listens or cares to really think about anything is confirmed on a daily basis. I tend to write complicated sentences because I want to convey meaning. I want to read back on this and see just what the hell it is that I am thinking, because standing inside, it is impossible to see how everything ultimately comes together. Maybe in some time that will become clearer to me.
I think this is a good place to get some of my thoughts out, develop my writing and logical reasoning skills. How is that for a statement of purpose? I'm a student, I grew up in the States, did my undergrad in Boston and decided to piss off to Australia for a year and do a Master's while I was at it.
I've really come to despise Americans and the thought of going back to the States had me stressed out for quite awhlie... the arrogance, the ignorance, the attitudes... I don't know. Yes, I have received the "if you don't like it, leave" quite a few times, which I happily did, mind you... and have enjoyed myself and the release from a society that believes cnn and fox are truth... although must admit that while ABC (Aus Broadcasting) is pretty clueless, there is not nearly the same level indoctrination here, about what to think and who to criticise and there is no crap about "partiotic duty" aside from Peter Costello (Aus Treasury Minister) telling Australians that it is their patriotic duty to make babies. Anyway I've been back for a little over two months and it hasn't been all bad, mostly because I've focused on my own goals and largely ignored the constant streams of stupidity I have been encountering on a daily basis.
Not sure where I'm going with this, so maybe I'll go on another day. Just testing the waters in this world of blog for now.