Monday, November 1


I started work today. I'm too tired to post the pictures I uploaded. They're pretty kaak anyway, the camera is crap.. it's probably the operator.

Today was one giant bore. They spent the morning explaining the structure which seemed redundant because if we were going to be working there, we should already know the information. I hope. The afternoon was spent going through paperwork and I came away with the knowledge that I am probably going to be bored with this very soon. The people there didn't have a scooby. If that is what I'm up against, I'll be sailing through. Not to sound like the arrogant jerk that I am. But really, shut up and listen to the HR lady explain the benefits the first three times she describes the scheme before you ask a question. The fun part is that my training is way downtown for the next two months and that means it's close to loads of overpriced shops. Excellent.

I am so sleepy. I spent about two hours searching for my stupid passport last night, whiich ended up being exactly where I knew it was only missed it the first seven times I looked. Sleeping at 1 and getting up to fast a 430 really kills your REM sleep. This post is possibly my worst one ever. Goodnight, chiildren.