Thursday, October 28


So I went to revive my golf game today, which I discovered is stable but doctors recommend that it stay in the ICU for another night for close observation. The drive was probably more remarkable than the game itself, the trees are changing colors and everything was on fire. That and there were loads of smashed up deer parts on the side of the road. Gross.

On my way back home, I was almost swiped by this prick who was flying in his Escalade. I'm not normally one to to get worked up over moronic drivers, even when they are aggressive. It's just not a healthy state of mind living in the land where guidos breed. I try not to dwell on morons in general, but sometimes I just have to laugh.. or cry. This particular tosspot had a big W '04 sticker on the rear windshield that made me hate him and Bush about ten times more. If it is indeed possible to multiply infinity by ten. The thing is, when you're speeding and weaving in and out of lanes there's a graceful way to go about it, even in an SUV. We've all seen the dark horse that just dances through traffic. The speed limit on this particular road is 65 but everyone travels at 80mph pretty comfortably. W was easily exceeding 100 and he was changing lanes so abruptly that he had to fight his truck to keep from swaying. His driving resembled that of a cockroach succumbing to the effects of RAID rather than the strides of a stallion. Too much? Probably.

Now, I'm no granny on the road, but I'm not an idiot either - this guy was just dangerous. He went careening past, leaving me with a glimpse of an early-40s balding Bush supporter who needed to overcompensate for his own insecurities by risking the lives of everyone around him. Few miles down the road, a police car was just pulling over a black family in a beat up old Cadillac. He had to have seen the bald Escalade fly by. It's good to know that our police prioritize giving some old black guy a ticket for a broken tail light rather than checking the extremist recklessly wielding a 3.5 ton weapon. That whole scenario was twisted on so many levels.

[Sidenote: I don't hate SUV's, he could have been driving anything and would still have been a prick. If you buy an SUV, your decision is rewarded by expensive gas costs and other taxes that make your choice an expensive one (unless you take advantage of Bush's tax loophole ). Just don't be an asshole about it.]