If your car is a full-time all wheel drive and you happen to require a tow, be sure to remember to request a flatbed truck. This is necessary even if it is a sedan and you have to spend an hour convincing the dispatcher that it is indeed all wheel drive and, no, you cannot change the setting. Also, the guy who works in the BP on the corner of 96th street and 1st avenue in Manhattan is very helpful. He let me park there for the 4 hours it took for the correct towtruck to arrive. Not that he had much of a choice.
In my time waiting for the tow, I observed a dog get hit by car and get up and run right back into traffic. I then saw his screaming owner run into traffic as well. I ask you to imagine what might be going through someone's head to let a dog, no matter how seemingly obedient, off its lead anywhere outside a safe, enclosed area in Manhattan - much less on 1st avenue. This prospect is beyond me. I hope that little mutt is okay.
You cannot pay your $2.00 fare for a NYC bus with dollar bills as you might presume. You must have a charged Metrocard or a roll of quarters in your pocket. My Metrocard was empty, and surprisingly I didn't have the prerequisite roll of quarters. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people on the 102 bus last night who rummaged through their pockets for change for me and my friend. That bus took us to the best dinner we've ever had.