Wednesday, January 12

and so it goes

They knew this before they shocked and awed. Shameless. Farce.

I got on the wrong train today. They posted track 3 and that's where I went. I didn't hear the change in track being announced as I had my headphones on and was settled in my seat as the conductor checked my ticket. I didn't concede the error until about half an hour later when I realized I was about 10 miles north of where I should have been. I phoned Ferdinand to come get me, and he was less than impressed.

My uncle is the president of one of our global businesses. When I applied and interviewed for this job, I didn't tell him what I was doing. I only informed him when I had been hired, and of course he was delighted. I have every intention to use his helpful nod when I move forward, but for now I need to learn. This is all well and good except he came into my office today for some meetings and made it a point to come and say hello to me. Now, the people who were too arrogant to introduce themselves slow and smile as they come by my door, and the ones I work with give me that knowing smile that explains to them how someone so 'challenged' can come to be one of their equals.

"You are a classic beauty, the kind artists seek. I like the trashy look, you don't have that"

That is why the ape is the ape.