Now this is just taking the piss. It's as fitting as Bush appointing Hitler as Ambassador to Israel. How is it possible that he continues to be so oblivious to the absurdities of his very existence? I can go on and on about the sheer idiocy of this man but I don't think anything I say could ever do him justice.
But of course, this is all cunningly strategic. It's just easier to take the piss out of this man than face the frightening fact of his brilliance. I just don't understand why I'm the only one pulling my hair out. Why is no one yelling and screaming? Everyday I hear something more obscene and outrageous than the day before, orchestrated by the Bush regime. What is wrong with people that they maintain their glassy stares while reading the 'news'? I catch headlines over people's shoulders on the train and wonder if they're just illiterate. They might as well be. What's wrong with me that I sit and moan about it yet don't do anything to cause change? Why don't I go into the foreign service, mesmerize my way to the top and make some lasting change? It's a Catch 22, as they say. I can't pledge my allegiance to a regime so heinous. If I ever saw Bush I don't know how I'd keep from spitting in his face. Such a vile creature. But you have to enter the system to cause change. Doesn't do much to keep beating a brick wall, need to go from the inside. I thought that was what democracy is. It is. So what does it mean for democracy when chronic election fraud is reported? When people are imprisoned without charge or trial? When private records are monitored by the government? When democratically elected leaders are overthrown? What breed of democracy is this? Is it so, that democracy is still evolving? Wasn't Fukuyama hailed as a genius when he said that we have reached 'The End of History'? That democracy is the final stage of political thought? Well I appreciate the offer, but this just isn't good enough.